Meditation (Jiban Joshi)
About Meditation (Jiaban Joshi) Jiban Joshi I think... Meditation is a kind of process. If we do it regularly it gives us happiness, prosperity, pleasure, and a glow. Meditation is that element it connects people's minds and the environment observed or felt by a person Meditation Music... During Meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. Some reasons to meditate Reduced Mental illness Deep Sleep Glow Understanding our pain Lower our stress Connect better Improve focus Reduce brain chatter More about..... JIBANJOSHI.COM.NP JIBAN JOSHI ON A YOUTUBE JIBANJOSHI ON A TWITTER JIBAN JOSHI ON A INSTAGRAM JIBAN JOSHI ON A FACEBOOK JIBAN JOSHI ON A FACEBOOK PAGE